【6/21(金/Fri.)17:00~】6月おでかけサロンのお知らせ/ Going-out Salon June Schedule

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プライドハウス東京×Marriage For All Japan – 結婚の自由をすべての人に×niji-depotの3団体合同ポップアップショップ「“ぷらいど”って? 2024 ~色とりどりの自分らしさにYES!」で、“ぷらいど”について知って、作って、考えてみましょう!プライド月間ならではの特設ショップもたくさん!一緒におでかけしましょう!
In June, we will go to the Pride booth that will be specially set up at Shibuya MODI.
Join us for a collaborative pop-up shop by Pride House Tokyo, Marriage For All Japan, and niji-depot, titled “What is ‘Pride’? 2024 – Saying YES to Your Colorful Self!” Spend a week learning about, creating, and reflecting on “Pride”!
There will be some special shops for Pride Month. Join us to celebrate together!
《Event Details》
6/21 (Fri.) 17:00 – Approx. 1.5 hour
✅Meeting Place
Entrance of SHIBUYA MODI
6 people (Registration required.)
✅Participation Fee
👇Register Here👇
《What is Legacy Salon?》
At Pride House Tokyo Legacy, we hold the “Legacy Salon” once a week. You can create things, play games, talk with our staff, try interacting with someone, and try everything. The Legacy Salon is a “place” where you can be yourself. We announce our monthly schedule on the bulletin board inside the facility and through our social media, so please be sure to check it out.
💖The “Legacy Salon” is conducted as part of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s suicide prevention measures.