【10月のレガシーカレンダー/ October Legacy Calendar (English) 】

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お待たせしました!#プライドハウス東京レガシー 10月のイベントカレンダーです。それぞれのイベント詳細は公式HPの「お知らせ・イベント情報」ページ(このページです)やSNSの投稿をご覧ください。
Here is our schedule for October at Pride House Tokyo Legacy. For details, please check our website’s “Information・Event” page or our social media.
On days marked with the blue hand symbol, Deaf staff are present. On days without Deaf staff, we can use written communication. On days marked with a light blue cloud symbol, Chinese speaking staff are present.
The background of events in light blue indicates no advance registration is required, while those in orange require prior registration. For details such as how to apply, please refer to the “Information・Event” page on the official website or check our social media posts.
See you at PHTL this month!!