【トランスデースペシャル】国際トランスジェンダー追悼の日/Transgender Day of Remembrance

毎年、11月20日に行われる、世界的にトランスジェンダーの尊厳と権利について考える国際的な記念日「トランスジェンダー追悼の日(Transgender Day of Remembrance)」に合わせて、プライドハウス東京レガシーにて、トランスデースペシャルとして、展覧会とトークイベントを開催します。
▼展覧会 若林 佑真 企画 フォトエッセイ「Complex」
・開館時間:13:00〜19:00 (水・木曜を除く)
・参加費 :無料(※申込み不要)
~Transgender Day of Remembrance in Japan~
畑野 とまと
若林 佑真
【進行】浅沼 智也
住所:東京都新宿区新宿1-2-9 JF新宿御苑ビル2階
▼若林 佑真
PxxceMaker’ (ピースメーカー)代表
1991年11月5日生まれ。大阪府出身。俳優・タレント活動の他、として、舞台のプロデュースや「LGBTQ+」に関する講師を行なっている。2017 年に、トランス男性を題材とした舞台『イッショウガイ』の企画・脚本を担当。2021 年8月には、トランス男性のコンプレックスに焦点を当てたフォトエッセイ「Complex」のプロデュースを担当し、モデルとしても出演。トランスジェンダー男性の認知拡大を目標に、多岐に渡り活動している。
International Transgender Day of Remembrance
Pride House Tokyo Legacy Transgender Day Special
Exhibition: Photo Essay Project “Complex” by Yuma Wakabayashi
【Date】 Tuesday, November 16, 2021 – Tuesday, November 30, 2021
(closed on Wednesdays and Thursdays)
【Time】 1pm-7pm
【Fee】 Free of charge(※No reservation required)
About “Complex” no.////(number four)
“Complex” is a book of photo essays focusing on ten transgender men’s inferiority complex. The ten models have completely different jobs, places to live, and sexual orientations. Through photographs and text, they express their sense of inferiority and shortcomings.
This book provides real voices of transgender men for those who are:
Struggling with gender, sexual, and romantic identities
Troubled with their own inferiority complex
Not yet familiar with transgender issues
Talk Event on Saturday, November 20, 2021
“Transgender Rights and Dignity: Transgender Day of Remembrance in Japan”
In recent years, the term LGBTQ+ has been used by various media platforms, and an understanding of sexual and gender minorities is gradually expanding in Japan. However, there are still many problems that transgender people with gender dysphoria face daily, and Japanese society is not an easy place for transgender people to live in. Moreover, over the past few years, prejudice and misunderstanding against transgender people have been spreading, especially on the Internet, and many discriminatory remarks have been made on social media.
According to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), an organization that has been tracking data on fatal violence against transgender and gender non-conforming people in the United States, the year 2020 has been the worst year, where the number of transgender people killed was the highest since they started tracking this data in 2013.
Given these factors, we will create a space to think and talk about the rights and dignity of transgender people on this year’s Transgender Day of Remembrance, an international day of remembrance held every year on November 20th.
<Event overview>
The Rights and Dignity of Transgender People: Transgender Day of Remembrance in Japan
【Date】 Saturday, November 20, 2011
【Time】 10:00am〜11:30am(Doors open at 9:45am)
【Guest speaskers】 Tomato Hatano, Yuma Wakabayashi
【Emcee】 Tomoya Asanuma
【Japanese Sign Language Interpreter】Ra-chan
【Maximum participants allowed】 15 people (pre-registration required). * Registration will close once the number of applicants reaches the maximum.
【Fee】Free of charge
【Place】 Pride House Tokyo Legacy, JF Shinjuku-Gyoen Building 2F, 1-2-9 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
【Registration】Please apply through the registration form:
【Contact】For inquiries, please email us at: transday.pht@gmail.com
<Speaker Bios>
▼Tomato Hatakeno, Writer/Transgender Activist
Tomato began the process of gender transition at the age of 26 and made a fresh start as a trans woman at the age of 29. In 1996, Tomato opened “Transgender Cafe,” the first website providing information to the transgender community in Japan. After working as a sex worker for 10 years, today, Tomato works as a writer and a transgender activist, sharing relevant information and fighting for the human rights and non-pathologization of transgender people.
▼Yuma Wakabayashi,Director of “PxxceMaker.
Born on November 5, 1991, in Osaka Prefecture.Yuma is an actor, celebrity, theatrical producer, and trainer on LGBTQ+ issues. In 2017, Yuma planned and wrote the theater script for “Isshogai,” a play about trans men. In August 2021, Yuma produced and modeled for “Complex,” a photo essay focusing on the inferiority complex of trans men. Yuma is involved in a wide range of activities to increase societal awareness that transgender men exist.
【Please read before registering】
Japanese sign language interpretation will be provided.
This event is open to all whether you are transgender or not
As part of the anti-COVID-19 measures, the maximum number of participants will be limited.
Before entering the venue, please make sure to wear a mask properly.
Upon entering the venue, please take your temperature, sanitize your hands, and/pr wash your hands.
*The date, time, and content of the event may be subject to change depending on the status of COVID-19 and government policies.