LGBTQ+の子ども・ユースのための、無料相談支援プログラム 『ラップアラウンド・サポート』をスタート。/Pride House Tokyo Legacy has started “Wraparound Support,” the free wellness support program for LGBTQ+ Children and Youth.

プライドハウス東京レガシーでは、現在LGBTQ+ やそうかもしれないと感じている24歳以下の子ども・ユースに向けた相談支援プログラム『ラップアラウンド・サポート』をスタートしました。
『ラップアラウンド・サポート』は、プライドハウス東京レガシーにて、LGBTQ+の子 どもやユース(及び大人)への相談支援経験や、LGBTQ+に関する研修講師経験のあるスタッフが対応します。
Pride House Tokyo Legacy has started the wellness support program the “Wraparound Support” for children and youth under the age of 25 who are LGBTQ+ or questioning.
In the Wraparound Support, your voice and choice are the most important of all. You could use the Wraparound Support to get clarity on your thoughts and feelings, or work on becoming the person you want to become, or living the life you want to live, with the support from the designated staff members.
The Wraparound Support is provided by the staff members who have experience in providing various types of support to LGBTQ+ children, youth, and adults, as well as giving lectures and training on SOGIESC and LGBTQ+ issues.
- LGBTQ+ のことを授業で習って、もしかしたら自分もそうかもなって思うんだけど、どうやったらわかるんだろう。誰か一緒に考えてくれないかなぁ。
- 制服のスカートがもう我慢できないぐらい嫌!でも親も先生もあんまりわかってくれないし、どうしよう。
- 家の中と外では使ってる言語も文化も違う。自分のこと、どうやって家族に話したらいいのかな
- 性のあり方自体には困ってないんだけど、大学の学費と生活費のためのバイトがとにかくしんどい。もう大学辞めちゃおうかな。
- 初めてできた恋人の束縛しんどいからもう別れたいのに、別れるならみんなにバラすよって言われてて、誰にも相談できない…
- 最近気分が沈みがちだけど、なんでかは分かりません。それについて考えようとすると頭がごちゃごちゃします。誰かと話してみたらいいのかな?
- 同じクラスの人に片思いしてるんだけど、誰にもカミングアウトしてないし、恋愛相談もできない。好きな人のこと、誰かに聞いてほしいのに。
- アロマンティック(Aロマンティック)で恋愛しない・めったにしないのに、今ある人から好意を寄せられていて、どうしたらいいか分からない、困った!
In the Wraparound Support, you could address topics including, but not limited to:
- I recently learned about LGBTQ+ identities in class and started thinking that I might be one…How can I learn more about who I might be? Can someone help me think through this?
- I can’t stand wearing the uniform skirt! But my caregivers and teachers aren’t getting it. What should I do?
- The languages I use and the cultures I’m in while at home and outside the home are all different. How should I talk to my family about my identity?
- I feel content with my gender and sexuality right now, but I’m super stressed about paying tuition and living expenses. I don’t know how I can keep attending school.
- My first partner ever is too controlling. I want to break up with them, but they say they will out me if I do. This is too much. I can’t handle it alone.
- I’ve been feeling down lately, but don’t quite know why. When I try thinking about the why, my brain gets scattered. I wonder if talking to someone would help me clear my mind.
- I like this person in the same class, but since I’m not out to anyone, I can’t really talk about it. I want someone to listen to me talk about the person I like!
- There’s someone who has expressed their feeling for me, but I’m aromantic and don’t necessarily want to be involved in anything romantic…what should I tell them?
※2021年6月28日より、オンラインでも対応をしています 詳しくはこちらへ。
More about the Wraparound Support
The Wraparound Support is for any children and youth under the age of 25 who are LGBTQ+ or questioning.
【Dates and times】
Please note that the last slot you can book is 5:00 pm for your first session. Thereafter, it is at 5:30 pm although Pride House Tokyo Legacy closes at 7:00 pm.
【Session length】
- The Wraparound Support is offered free of charge.
- Currently, The Wraparound Support is offered in person only.
- The Wraparound Support is available in both spoken and written English and Japanese for deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing people.
*As of June 28, 2021, remote sessions are available. For more information, please visit here.
You could also invite people who have been supportive of you, or new people you want to be part of your support system to collaborate with you and us. Those people may include but are not limited to your family members, neighbors, classroom teacher, school nurse, sports coach, after-school program staff, doctor, group-home staff, etc.
*Please note that the Wraparound Support staff member who uses English is not always on-site.
◎その他 注意事項
Accessing the Wraparound Support
1. Session Booking Form
Please fill out the quick form: https://forms.gle/hqXb9ZUgA8CoeqXi6 We will notify your appointment date at the email address you provide through the from.*We will respond during Pride House Tokyo Legacy’s opening hours. Therefore, please note that we may not always be able to respond immediately.
2. Email
Please send an email to care@pridehouse.jp with the following information:
- Name (the name you chose to use with us)
- Age
- Dates and times you would like to schedule a session
*We will respond during Pride House Tokyo Legacy’s opening hours. Therefore, please note that we may not always be able to respond immediately.
3. In-person
You can book a session when you visit Pride House Tokyo Legacy in person. Please speak with any staff members, and they will connect you with the right staff person.
*If you are unable to make an appointment in advance, you could do a walk-in visit and meet with the Wraparound Support staff if the staff person has an opening.
If you are unable to attend your appointment, please contact us by email at least one day in advance as much as possible.
*The Wraparound Support is not a medical intervention.
◎ラップアラウンドサポート紹介リーフレット/Wraparound Support Leaflet PDF
◎ラップアラウンドサポート紹介カード/Wraparound Support Card PDF