News / Report
一部の自由民主党議員によるLGBTQ等のセクシュアル・マイノリティ に対する差別発言についての合同抗議文/Joint protest against discriminatory remarks against LGBTQ and other sexual minorities by members of the Liberal Democratic Party

代表 松中権 および メンバー一同
Athlete Ally(アスリート・アライ)
代表 ハドソン・テイラー
各種メディアにて報道されていますが、2021年5月20日に自由民主党内にて開催された政務調査会内閣第一部会と性的指向・性自認に関する特命委員会との合同会議において、複数の議員から「道徳的にLGBTは認められない」「人間は生物学上、種の保存をしなければならず、LGBTはそれに背くもの」(TBS NEWS:2021年5月20日14:31)など、セクシュアル・マイノリティの人権と尊厳を著しく傷つける差別発言があったとされています。さらに、山谷えり子参議院議員においては、「体は男だけど自分は女だから女子トイレに入れろとか、アメリカなんかでは女子陸上競技に参加してしまってダーッとメダルを取るとか、ばかげたことはいろいろ起きている」(朝日新聞デジタル:2021年5月19日15:22配信)という発言があったという報道がありました。トランスジェンダーの人権と尊厳を蔑ろにするだけでなく、トランスジェンダーに対する誤解・偏見・差別を著しく助長するものであり、非常に遺憾に捉えています。
アスリートアライ(Athlete Ally)は、スポーツ界に 蔓延するホモフォビアやトランスフォビアを終わらせ、LGBTQの平等を支持するリーダーシップを 発揮するために、スポーツ界を活性化させることを 目 的 として 設 立 され た 米 国 拠 点 の 非 営 利 団 体 で す。アスリートアライはLGBT法連合会、国際NGOヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ、オールアウト(All Out)とともに、LGBT差別禁止法の法制化に向けた活動を行っており、アメリカのテニス界のアイコンであるビリー・ジーン・キングやオリンピアンのクリストファー・キニーなどのアスリートによる法制化支持の表明を推進しています。
(プライドハウス東京コンソーシアム代表 松中 権)
(アスリートアライ創設者兼代表 ハドソン・テイラー)
Re: Joint protest against discriminatory remarks against LGBTQ and other sexual minorities by members of the Liberal Democratic Party
Pride House Tokyo Consortium
Executive Director, Gon Matsunaka and all members
Athlete Ally
Founder and Executive Director, Hudson Taylor
Media outlets (including TBS News: May 20, 2021, 14:31) reported that several members of parliament expressed discriminatory opinions of LGBT people such as calling LGBTQ people “immoral and are unacceptable” , some were also quoted as saying that “humans biologically need to work for the preservation of the species and therefore LGBT people are something that goes against that.”
These comments and other discriminatory remarks mentioned at a joint meeting of the First Subcommittee of the Cabinet of the Political Research Commission and the Special Committee on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity held within the Liberal Democratic Party on May 20, 2021, seriously infringe upon the human rights and dignity of sexual minorities. Furthermore, Eriko Yamatani, a member of the House of Councillors, later is reported to have said, “It is ridiculous that there are those that have a male body, but say they are women and therefore should be allowed to use the women’s restroom, or like in the U.S., participate in women’s sports and win tons of medals. (Asahi Shimbun Digital: May 19, 2021, 15:22). We regard these comments as extremely regrettable, as it not only disparages the human rights and dignity of transgender people, but also significantly promotes misunderstanding, prejudice, and discrimination against transgender people.
Since 2018, the Pride House Tokyo Consortium has been working to expand understanding of LGBTQ and other sexual minorities in Japan, and to create an environment in which all people can feel safe, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Pride House Tokyo Legacy, a permanent, comprehensive LGBTQ center that opened in Shinjuku on October 11, 2020, is an initiative that resonates with one of the visions of the Tokyo 2020 Games, “Diversity and Harmony,” and is recognized as part of the game’s official program.
Athlete Ally is a U.S.-based nonprofit organization working to educate and activate athletic communities to eliminate homophobia and transphobia in sports, and to exercise their leadership to champion LGBTQI+ equality. Athlete Ally has been working in partnership with the Japan Alliance for LGBT Legislation (J-ALL), Human Rights Watch and All Out in support of an LGBT non-discrimination law in Japan, and has also been mobilizing athletes including U.S. tennis icon Billie Jean King, U.S. Olympian Christoper Kinney and others to speak out in support of the law.
Furthermore these reported comments made by some members of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) are contrary to Fundamental Principle 6 of the Olympic Charter and as host country of the Tokyo 2020 Games, Japan will face significant international criticism for these inappropriate comments.
All in all, these comments, if true, also unacceptable to many in Japanese society, including in the LGBTQ community and Pride House Tokyo Legacy and Athlete Ally would like to strongly condemn them.
“It is truly unbelievable. How can athletes truly feel safe playing in a country where a member of the ruling party makes such discriminatory remarks? I can imagine this is particularly heartbreaking for the LGBTQ youth. We need a retraction, an apology, and of course, a law that says NO to discrimination to prevent such statements from being made in the future.”
-Gon Matsunaka, Executive Director of Pride House Tokyo Consortium
“LGBT people deserve to be safe, welcome and included in all areas of life, including public restrooms, locker rooms and while playing sports. The comments made by members of parliament are not only deeply hurtful to LGBT people everywhere and their allies, but also are based in myths and misconceptions. There is absolutely no evidence to show that transgender people have an advantage in sport. Transgender athletes participate in sport for the same reason anyone else does — for the joy it brings them, the invaluable lessons about teamwork and discipline that sport brings, and for the love of the game. There is nothing immoral or unnatural about LGBT people being proudly and authentically who they are.”
-Hudson Taylor, Founder and Executive Director of Athlete Ally
We therefore ask for confirmation of the facts that these discriminatory remarks were made, and if confirmed, we ask for their retraction and apology. In addition, we sincerely hope that the proposal currently under discussion to eliminate discrimination against LGBTQ people will be realized in a more effective manner.
Thank you very much for your attention.
We look forward to hearing your response.
Sincerely Yours
Gon Matsunaka, Executive Director of Pride House Tokyo Consortium and all members
Hudson Taylor, Founder and Executive Director of Athlete Ally
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