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東京2020オリンピック・パラリンピック競技大会における トランスジェンダーのアスリートの参加に対するプライドハウス東京の声明/Pride House Tokyo Statement on the Participation of Transgender Athletes in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games

代表 松中権 および メンバー一同
オリンピック憲章には、「スポーツをすることは人権の一つであり、 すべての人はいかなる種類の差別を受けることなく、オリンピック精神に基づき、スポーツをする機会を与えられなければならない」と、人権の尊重がうたわれています。
July 13, 2021
Pride House Tokyo Statement on the Participation of Transgender Athletes
in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games
Pride House Tokyo Consortium
From Representative Gon Matsunaka, on behalf of all members
The Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games will be the first time in the history of the Games that athletes who identify as transgender(*1) will be able to compete in the gender category in which they self-identify.
The Olympic Charter which upholds respect for all human rights defines the fundamentals of Olympism as follows: “The practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of practising sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit”
In a sporting culture where people are distinguished by their assigned gender at birth, transgender athletes have previously been prevented from participating in competitions based on their gender identity, and have struggled with conflicts with their own identity and exclusion.
It is therefore extremely gratifying for those transgender athletes to be able to compete in a category they identify with. We believe that these Games will be a milestone in bringing us one step closer to an inclusive sporting environment where no one is left behind(*2).
However media coverage on this subject has been a mixed bag. In particular, there has been a lot of controversy about the fairness of transgender female athletes competing in the female category.
Yet the evidence that transgender female athletes have an guaranteed superiority to cisgender(*3) female athletes in the field of sports, is inconclusive. It is thus of utmost importance for the future development of sport to deepen the dialogue with factual and accurate knowledge on true equity in an environment where no one is excluded and all included. For this reason, further dialogue and efforts by experts, athletes, and other concerned parties are required, and we welcome the opportunity that the existence of the Olympic and Paralympic Games itself provides to expand such opportunities.
*1.Transgender: a person whose self-identified gender is different from the gender assigned at birth)
*2.In 2003, the IOC instituted a policy that allows transgender athletes who meet certain conditions to compete in the gender category of their choice, albeit only those who have undergone surgery to medically transition.The requirement for medical transition was later dropped in 2015
*3.Cisgender: A person whose self-identified gender is the same as the gender assigned at birth)
Nevertheless, even though transgender athletes meet the current International Olympic Committee (IOC) requirements and are eligible to compete, we have recorded many instances where individual athletes have been disparaged. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s ordinance, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, may serve as a deterrent against slander against individual transgender athletes, but municipalities that do not have such an ordinance are, of course, not covered by it. We need to be very careful not to encourage prejudice and discrimination against transgender people living in Japan by spreading denigrating discourses.
For this reason, we would be grateful if the media could cooperate in the dissemination of positive information based on accurate facts and free of human rights violations, in accordance with the fundamental principle of the Olympic Charter, which states that “no discrimination of any kind shall be tolerated”. We also hope that individuals using the Internet and social media will understand the seriousness of the issues faced by trangender people, whether they are openly transgender or not, and the complexity of the matter, and keep to messages that are respectful and they are mindful of how to create a society where everyone can live in peace.
We hope that we can all reaffirm the spirit of the Olympic Charter, which states that all people should be given equal opportunity to play sports without discrimination of any kind, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity and that the Games will be a celebration of an inclusive sports culture that does not exclude anyone and promotes positive change in society.
Signed Gon Matsunaka,
On Behalf of all members of the Pride House Tokyo Consortium
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