News / Report
イスラエルによるパレスチナ自治区ガザ地区への軍事侵攻に対する非難と、同エリアのLGBTQ+の人たちを含む全ての抑圧を受ける立場におかれている人たちへの支援と連帯を表明する声明 | A statement condemning Israel’s military invasion of the Gaza Strip of the Palestinian Authority, and expressing support and solidarity with all those oppressed, including LGBTQ+ people in the area.

共同代表 五十嵐ゆり、小野アンリ、野口亜弥
1. BBC News Japan (2023年10月25日)「国連総長、ガザの状況は「国際人道法違反」 イスラエルは強く反発」
2. International Court of Justice.(2024年1月26日)” Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel) Request for the indication of provisional measures” .
3. International Court of Justice (2024年3月28日) ” Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel) The Court indicates additional provisional measures.
4. NHK (2024年3月23日) 【詳細】ガザ地区 “死者 3万2000人超える”.
A statement condemning Israel’s military invasion of the Gaza Strip of the Palestinian Authority, and expressing support and solidarity with all those oppressed, including LGBTQ+ people in the area.
April 7, 2024
NPO Pride House Tokyo
Co-Chairs: Yuri Igarashi, Anri Ono, Aya Noguch
Israel’s military invasion of the Gaza Strip of the Palestinian Authority (hereafter, “Gaza Strip”), which escalated on October 7, 2023, cannot be justified under any circumstances. The United Nations has pointed out that “violations of international humanitarian law” have been observed since October 2023, when the military invasion intensified [1]. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued provisional measures against Israel in January 2024 to prevent the genocide of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip [2]. In March 2024, it pointed out that famine occurred as a result of Israel’s extensive restrictions on humanitarian aid and the flow of commercial goods, the forced relocation of most residents, and the destruction of essential civilian infrastructure. The ICJ ordered Israel to permit the supply of food and medicine to the Gaza Strip [3]. On March 22, 2024, the Gaza Health Authority announced that the death toll from Israel’s military invasion exceeded 32,000 [4].
Pride House Tokyo strongly condemns the genocide and other human rights violations committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip, which violate international law. We cannot and will not condone such actions. Moving forward, Pride House Tokyo will not be complicit in the current situation through silence. Instead, we will strongly demand that Israel immediately cease its genocide and human rights violations. We will also pay attention to the mechanisms in society that reinforce these atrocities and continue to engage in dialogue and action with those involved with Pride House Tokyo to work towards their immediate cessation.
In the midst of wars and conflicts, people who are in a weak position within the social structure and are oppressed are the first to suffer and be exploited. This includes the LGBTQ+ community. Pride House Tokyo works closely with LGBTQ+ people in Japan, creating a safe and secure place to live, and working to promote understanding of LGBTQ+ people. Therefore, we hereby declare our solidarity with all people in the Gaza Strip, including those in a vulnerable position as LGBTQ+ people.
Finally, we would like to acknowledge the history of Palestinian resistance against Israel’s military invasion of the territory designated by the United Nations as the Palestinian Authority since 1948, and hope for the true liberation of the Palestinian people.
1. BBC News Japan (2023年10月25日)「国連総長、ガザの状況は「国際人道法違反」 イスラエルは強く反発」
2. International Court of Justice.(2024年1月26日)” Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel) Request for the indication of provisional measures” .
3. International Court of Justice (2024年3月28日) ” Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel) The Court indicates additional provisional measures.
4. NHK (2024年3月23日) 【詳細】ガザ地区 “死者 3万2000人超える”.
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